Done in a Day Spotlight
During this season of service, our Done in a Day committee (DIAD) has been hard at work coordinating, planning, and managing diverse community service projects and activities. We are very proud of our members' work thus far this month with our community partners— Food Lifeline, LifeLong, and Mary’s Place. After the holiday, Done in a Day has scheduled service opportunities for the Issaquah Food & Clothing Bank, managing craft tables, and for the Forgotten Children’s Fund wrapping gifts. We are so proud of the important service that our members and our community partners are doing for the Seattle area.
We are so proud of the role the Done in a Day committee plays in our League. DIAD is a great place to get to know many different community partners and projects. By empowering our members to get involved with group service opportunities, our members grow the confidence to go out and continue their volunteer journey by serving on boards and even starting their own nonprofits. DIAD is truly the heart of the League!